keywords: Lead truck, Tailing trucks, platoon, inter-vehicle distance, AnyLogic software
This paper presents the simulation of the truck platoon system using the Anylogic simulation software. A Platoon is a collection of trucks/vehicles moving together with same average distance in between vehicles. Trucks especially in road freight transportation are subjected to aerodynamic drag, which increases fuel consumption. A reduction in the space between vehicles can reduce the drag force, especially for the tailing vehicles. Reducing the space between vehicles will reduce their reaction time, especially for human drivers, hence automated vehicles or semi-automated vehicles are employed with little or no need for drivers. A connection established between the vehicles can increase the vehicle’s response time and therefore the inter-vehicle distance can be decreased and as the distance between the vehicles is reduced, aerodynamic drag will be decreased. An agent-based-model of a platoon of five trucks on an Automated Highway System was simulated using the Anylogic simulation software. The behavior of the platoon was observed in various intersections and stop lines. Also, the observed was a truck exiting the platoon and how the rest of the platoon was able to communicate and cover the space left by the exiting truck to maintain the set inter-vehicle distance.